5 Media Trends for 2024
By Jennifer R. Farmer
As we wrap one year and prepare to greet another, I am reflecting on what I believe will be the defining trends in media for 2024. What follows are my predictions, and I’m curious to know what you think. Read on and then shoot me an email and let me know what you’d add to this list.
1. Email Marketing Will Continue to Be Important for Nonprofits and Corporate Brands.
Email marketing is an important way to disseminate information, move your audience to action, and increase organizational support. While a lot of us tend to think of communications as involving what we say to traditional media, communications also entail how we converse with our various audiences. Media is one audience, but our staff and board, members or partners, colleagues, funders, prospective funders, etc. are audiences as well. As the media contracts, it will be more important than ever to build a solid email marketing program that can reach your various audiences.
2. Brands Will Continue to Invest in Paid Posts and Content.
Given newsroom cuts, and racism in media, it will be important to continue to think strategically about how you share your work with the world or how you mobilize people around an important cause. Many outlets will struggle to bring us the information we need because they simply do not have the staff. Sure, media outlets will cover breaking news stories, but it will take more to push an issue to be in the “breaking news” category. More media entities will rely on third party content, and some will want you to pay to have it placed. For instance, many blogs and influencer accounts will promote your content or your posts, if you pay them. And this is not always a bad thing. For instance, if you have a message that you want to reach pop culture, you may want to do targeted posts on sites that engage pop culture audiences. Paid posts and content will continue to be a strategy brands select to get their message in front of diverse audiences.
3. Multi-Purpose Content Will Be King.
It’s been said that one needs to share their message over and over again before their audience grasps or hears what they’re saying. It has also been said that the best communications programs adopt a layered approach to sharing a message. I believe both sentiments are true. Rather than sharing a message on one’s Instagram account alone, smart brands will take one message and share it via email marketing, social media, and digital media platforms. For instance, a press release could become the basis of a blog post, an email marketing message or an opinion piece. The length of the piece will vary depending on its usage. To elaborate, while a press release may be one page or less, a blog post could be 400 to 500 words, and an email marketing message may be shorter with a clear, crisp call to action.
4. AI will continue to influence how we collect, share and disseminate information.
In 2024, AI will continue its expansion. There is no way to avoid this, and I’m not sure we can or should opt out. AI is already being integrated in platforms we have long relied to carry out our work, such as the media monitoring software Meltwater. Even software companies such as Salesforce, Constant Contact, Zoom and more are incorporating AI. But savvy brands will think about how to ethically adopt AI in ways that help them share their message and communicate more effectively.
5. Curating and Building Your Own Newsletters Will Be Essential.
In addition to email marketing, you’ll want to communicate with your base through newsletters. A newsletter is your internal publication or organizational magazine. It is one piece of a broader email marketing program. For your newsletter, you’ll want to use engaging images to direct readers to the content you want them to see. You’ll want a newsletter format that is visually appealing, and mobile friendly. You’ll also want to ensure that your newsletter can be quickly scanned and absorbed. As you think about newsletter subscribers, remember to include funders and reporters so they remain in the know on your latest victories and campaigns.
I know the media landscape is changing. And I know it is important as ever to garner public attention. Media coverage and public exposure can influence your ability to raise funds and also help you stand out in a crowded landscape. To garner coverage, you will want to be strategic and intentional. Follow these trends to ensure you get the spotlight you deserve.