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The United States Must Support Policies That Contribute to Human Flourishing Rather Than Human Suffering

For Immediate Release
NEW YORK – United Women in Faith decried the escalating violence in the Middle East. In highlighting the horrific humanitarian crisis and the devastation visited on the people of Gaza, the organization urged an immediate and permanent ceasefire, abidance of international norms and protection of human life. It released the following statement, which coincides with the one-year mark of the Israel-Hamas war:
“No loss of life is acceptable and the tremendous loss of life in Gaza is devastating. More than 40,000 people have been killed in Gaza, more than a thousand in Israel and more than a thousand in Lebanon. Without immediate action, this war will spread across the world. Whether one lives in Israel, Gaza, Lebanon or some other part of the Middle East, we are all impacted by what is happening in the region.
“We condemn anti-Palestinian, antisemitic and anti-Muslim rhetoric that has led to a rise in hate crimes targeting Palestinian, Jewish and Muslim communities in the United States and globally. 
“It is imperative that the United States support policies that contribute to human flourishing rather than human suffering. President Biden and the U.S. Congress must ensure that not another dollar is invested in the bombing of women, children and youth. The United States’ continued participation in this war – by explicit or implicit support – is to our national shame. History will not judge us kindly without an immediate change of course in support of the preservation of human life.
“As women of faith, we understand that the toll of war is unimaginably steep, and disproportionately felt by women, children and youth. In times of war and instability, women, children and youth are more likely to experience gender-based violence, unwanted pregnancies, displacement, infections and an interruption of access to essential resources like food, water, medicine, social services, and medical care. There is also a physical, psychological, and spiritual impact of war and instability that cannot not be minimized.
“We therefore affirm the tenants of The UMC Social Principles, which state, “As disciples of Christ, we are called to love our enemies, seek justice, and serve as reconcilers of conflict. We insist that the first moral duty of all nations is to work together to resolve by peaceful means every dispute that arises between or among them…We believe that human values must outweigh military claims as governments determine their priorities.”
“As world leaders contemplate this grievous situation, the voices and perspectives of women must be at the forefront. Unfortunately, women’s voices are rarely amplified during war. However, as women of faith, we know that women are not just victims but also powerful actors, generating creative and fruitful political solutions. We affirm Palestinian and Israeli women and organizations who have been working for negotiated political solutions. The status quo of continued occupation, denial of self-determination and war will not lead to just and lasting peace, freedom and security for both peoples. All negotiations must include women’s voices and concerns, including complying with the global framework laid out in Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
“Finally, with the presidential election just weeks away, the current and incoming administration and Congress must be committed to long-term solutions that promote just and lasting peace. We issue this urgent appeal not just as those devoted to Methodist teachings, but as women seeking to live into our foremothers’ example of tireless advocacy. Without immediate action, this escalating crisis threatens to destroy entire regions, generations, and bloodlines. This is a risk no reasonable person should embrace.”

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